Allentown Hiking Club
12-31-13 12:00 noon | Hike
Appalachian Trail Hike to Allentown Shelter
Hike to the Shelter where we celebrate the New Year.
From PA 309 we will hike south four miles on the A.T. to the Allentown Shelter. There we will socialize and replenish our energy with an early New Year's Eve smorgasbord at the shelter picnic table. After a suitable break, we will hike back to our cars. Bring a food or snack item to share with the group; non alcoholic beverages only. For anyone who wants a shorter four mile round trip hike, park at Jacksonville Road and meet the group en route to the shelter.
Hike / bike / on-water distance: 8 miles
Meeting place: Meet at the parking area north of the A.T. crossing of PA 309. Park in the area farthest from the restaurant.
Leader: Barbara Wiemann 610-262-6977
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