Allentown Hiking Club
11-23-17 8:00 am | Hike
Annual Thanksgiving Morning Lehigh Gap East Hike (3 , D, 4+/-)
We’re doing the Thanksgiving Day jaunt up the Lehigh Gap East Scramble. Join us as we hike/climb one of the steepest sections of the AT in PA. From Lehigh Gap, we will hike north on the AT crossing the bridge on RTE 873 before starting the climb. This climb is very steep, approximately 1,000 feet in under a mile. It includes some rock scrambling and a couple of hand over hand sections, with some breathtaking views at the top. Definitely worth it!
Total mileage will be about 4 miles, and total time will be approximately 2.5 hours. This will allow us time to get back and carve the turkeys for Thanksgiving Dinner. Due to the time constraint, this hike is for Adventurous Hikers Only that are comfortable hiking at a 3.0 mph Average pace. Registration ends Nov 22 at 8am.
Hike / bike / on-water distance: 4 miles
Meeting place: Please contact the event leader
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