Allentown Hiking Club
10-25-15 8:30 am | Hike
DWGNRA Cliff Park Trails Hike
This hike will include almost all of the trails in the Cliff Park Section of the DWG National Restoration Area for a total of 7.5 miles.
These trails are relatively new, having been completed in 2009. There are several wonderful overlooks of the Delaware River and one of the city of Milford as well as a small but scenic waterfall. These trails are nice and wide, not rocky and easily walked in lighter footwear. In addition we'll do a short hike to the nearby Raymondskill Falls as well as a short hike along Dingman's Creek to see Silver Thread and Dingmans Falls. Bring water and lunch. Heavy rain cancels. Also this is an all day hike so don't expect to be back to the Park and Ride until after 5:00 and possibly later.
Round trip road miles distance: 60 miles
Hike / bike / on-water distance: 8-10 miles
Meeting place: Park & Ride lot at the intersection of Wm. Penn Hwy & PA 33.
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