Allentown Hiking Club
7-1-14 10:00 am | Hike
Ironton Rail Trail Hike
Hike the spur of this local rail trail.
The spur is not paved and is less heavily used. We will walk through the Whitehall Parkway, see remnants of the valley's cement industry, and pass by the historic Troxell-Steckel House, and then retrace our path back to our cars. Bring a snack and water. Steady rain cancels.
Hike / bike / on-water distance: 6.5 miles
Meeting place: Ironton Trail parking lot on Chestnut Street. From Allentown, drive north on PA 145. Turn right on Chestnut Street (Sheetz Gas Station), and drive to parking lot (on your right).
Posted on YES
Leader: Barbara Wiemann 610-262-6977
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