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August 24, 2023
Help Wanted
Our Club relies solely and heavily on volunteers to fulfill our mission.
The Allentown Hiking Club was established in 1931. As our bylaws state, the aspiration of this club is to escape the crowded city; to walk, hike and climb for enjoyment and exercise with nature loving companions; to maintain its section of the Appalachian Trail; and to stimulate public interests in every phase of nature and the outdoors through programs and lectures.
At this time there are three positions within the Club that are in need of energetic individuals to pick up and carry the torch.
Membership Secretary
The Membership Secretary is often the first point of contact that prospective members have with the Club. This individual will answer questions about Club membership and events to help members understand requirements and expectations. They will maintain the online database of Club members, collect and deposit dues into the Club's bank account, and report out statistics at monthly Club meetings. In addition, Club merchandise such as T-shirts, patches, and stickers, will be stocked and sold as needed.
Programs Committee Chair
The Programs Committee Chair will schedule the presentations provided at the Club's monthly meetings. Typically each quarter there are two meetings that offer an opportunity for a presentation on a topic pertinent to Club activities and interests. The individual will identify opportunities and take suggestions from Club members and follow up with prospective presenters to determine an agreed upon date for the presentation and ensure the presenter has all the information required to make a successful presentation and event.
Trail Maintenance Chair
The Trail Maintenance Chair works to ensure that the Club's section of Appalachian Trail remains open for all. In general, responsibilities will include: Perform and/or coordinate the general maintenance of the AHC's section of the AT. Promptly coordinate the reporting of any significant damage, erosion, large trees down etc. Monitor and repair the Club's two shelters, one privy, and any campsites. Coordinate the Club's annual maintenance hike and picnic. Establish and maintain appropriate storage for Club tools and supplies. Establish maintain connections with locally designated A. T. Communities. Coordinate and/or serve as a volunteer manager.
If you are interested in any of these positions or simply would like additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or the individuals currently in these roles. As I always say... many hands make light work... and with everyone's help we can continue to thrive as an AT maintaining club and serve the trails well into the future.
Happy Trails!
Paula Uhrin
President, Allentown Hiking Club
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